Prague Ratter

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RP07/24 Mommy: Bea
Ratón de Praga Macho
Born on: 2024-05-20
RP08/24 Mommy: NAOMI
Ratón de Praga Hembra
Born on: 2024-05-12
RP10/24 Mommy: NAOMI
Ratón de Praga Hembra
Born on: 2024-05-12
RP09/24 Mommy: NAOMI
Ratón de Praga Hembra
Born on: 2024-05-12

Happy puppies with a full guarantee.

Welcome to our website where we would like to show you the wonderful world of this fantastic breed.

All our puppies have been born and raised in our home, as were their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents ... for more than 10 generations.

With all the love and affection you can imagine and which they deserve.

Being lovers of nature and ecology, we live in the province of Malaga with our Prague Ratters in a finca covering 3 hectares, surrounded by oak trees, olive trees, deer, rabbits and where our mums and dads can make the most of the wide open spaces to run around and enjoy the natural surroundings..

We select the best families so that they can continue to give them the same care and cuddles that we do.

To demonstrate that they are dogs born in my house, we don’t give them a microchip as this is only obligatory in Spain after the age of 4 months. In 98% of cases, dogs that come with a microchip originate from breeders in Eastern Europe where their treatment is not the most suitable for “our little ones”.

Each Prague Ratter comes with an:

  • Official vaccination card of the Junta de Andalucia stamped and signed by our vet, showing the date of vaccination, worming and the puppy’s details.
  • Bag of the food it is receiving at the time so that the transition to the food that its new human parents will be providing is as smooth as possible for the puppy
  • Information folder about basic care with health recommendations, advice, education etc., and to avoid polluting the planet this information is sent by e-mail or Whatsapp so that you can consult it whenever you likea
  • • And one or more other surprises :)

As our Prague Ratters are accustomed to living in a family and are in constant contact with many people, they are not affected by the change to a new family as this is something that is natural for them.

As this breed is not yet recognised by the World Canine Organisation as a pedigree breed, if cannot be included in the Canine Organisation register. And although our puppies are the “loveliest and most affectionate in the world” (a phase constantly repeated by our clients/friends), we would not put them through the stress that competitions, shows etc. entail. Not just the Prague Ratters but also the magnificent adult Westies or Shih Tzus we used to breed in the past. We prefer to go out and walk in the fantastic countryside we live in.


Reasons to choose us

When deciding on a new member of the family there are plenty of factors we have to think about: which one do we like most? Is its size suitable for our home? We travel a lot, will it be able to come with us?

More practical factors have to be taken into account too such as the type of coat, time needed to go out for walks, do we have this time.....

And another factor this is very important: where and from whom do I buy the puppy?

We are professionals with more than 20 years of experience behind us. We provide a personalised care service 24 hours a day 365 days per year to resolve any doubts you many have.

Furthermore, all our puppies are born and raised in our house. We never obtain dogs from Eastern European countries, or from intermediaries.

The papers of all our parent dogs are in order, with all their vaccinations and documentation up to date and registered, and for the sale of our puppies we pay our taxes accordingly.

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