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Mini Pinscher.






History of the breed

The Miniature Pinscher or Mini Pinscher or Zwergpinscher originates in the 18th century, in Germany. There are several theories as to the origin of the pinscher, one of which is that it may have developed from a cross between English Greyhounds with Teckels, and with some Terrier blood, another of them explains the origin of the miniature pinscher as a cross between Toy and Manchester terrier.
Being the German farms, the Zwergpinscher, was used as a buzzard dog. The name "pinscher" means "biter", although this qualifier does not define the character of this breed at all. The Miniature Pinscher is part of the larger German family of Pinscher, which included large and small varieties as well as two different types of hair. It began to define and separate the different varieties at the beginning of the 19th century. The German pinscher family also includes the Affenpinscher and the Schnauzers.

It was an unknown breed outside of Germany, except in the Scandinavian countries, until after 1918. In 1919 it is exported to the United States and since then it has grown in popularity all over the world.



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